How do I make a special order? If you are interested in making a Four (4 ) or more multi-product order (for example, Toffee + 2Shortbreads + Jam ) that can be packaged in a single box, we will reduce shipping charges. Email us
When will you cook my order? We usually start orders the day after receiving an order (i.e., depending on the existence of other pending orders). You will receive a response to your order with an estimated shipping date and a followup email upon shipment.
Can I change the shipping options for an Existing Order? Yes! Email us the desired change and we will get back to you with a cost quote from the carrier.
Can you place a personalized message in a card with a gift package? Yes, email us your message!
Can I Change or Cancel my Order? Yes, up until the time your order is started.
Can I make a return? No we don’t accept returns, but if there is a problem with your order please contact us at: